

今天是我们Hall今年最后一次High Table Dinner,同时也为了庆祝其First Anniversary, 在Luke Yew Hall举行。

这次的着装要求十分严格,还套着绿袍子,正襟危坐。莅临的honorable guest是立法会的Martin Lee——我以前上Principles of Journalism的时候经常读到有关他的新闻,百闻不如一见。他以前住在Ricci Hall.今天的speech, 本应该是大学生活吧,可能出于职业习惯,不知不觉就扯到了democracy和*普*选。典型政客作风,一如他的文章。最开始的时候我还挺高兴,这生日过的,多爽!可是后来听着听着就觉得沉重,关于*民*主,关于*普*选,关于香港和内地的关系,关于*腐*败……google一下martin lee, 就什么都明白了。后来open floor question, 我举起了手:

“Good evening Martin. Beijing, compared with HK, is much more heavily burdened. Some leader are still under the stereotype of thinking which was nurtured and exercised in so many campaigns like … …You’ve mentioned a lot of ‘must stop’,’must change’ and ‘must promise’, but do you think it possible to let it change that fast? How could we expect an old lady with footbinding to wear high-heel shoes to attend such a high table dinner? Are there other ways to extend HK’s advanced legal system to the Mainland China steadily instead of ‘must stop’ and ‘must change’ immediately? …”


1. Seeking for the economic growth can never be the excuse of not developing democracy.

2. Being mandated and being implemented can be two different things, and the former one should be of the first priority.

3. No country can claim that her people are not ready for democracy. The saying “not being ready” is ridiculous and could never be an excuse.

4. …


我年少轻狂时,经常狂妄地针砭时弊,撰写“檄文”。青年人,都容易偏激。 现在想来,那的确是一种沸腾,一种激情,尽管出于热爱。但是仔细想想,其中又充满了幼稚,无知和儇薄。面对政治,我算个什么,我又懂什么,我哪里有资格评点。后来养成的习惯是“观察政治,不谈政治。” 沉淀下来的“成熟”,就是冷静,理智,与确认——谁也不能轻易地让我去跟随,去沸腾。政客嘛,首先要笃定他的观点,所以都免不了偏激。



Luke Yew Hall外边。看上去我是最高的,呵呵。