亲历以色列 0)行程
Day 1:
Arrival at Ben Gurion airport, Tel Aviv
Bus to the Crown Hotel in Jerusalem
Welcome Dinner at the hotel
Day 2:
Mt. of Olives – place of Jesus return
Garden of Gethsemane – where Jesus prayed
City of David – excavations from Jerusalem at the time of
King David
Mt. Zion and Upper room – Holy Spirit fell
The Garden Tomb – The empty tomb of Jesus
Evening meeting with Pastor Ulf Ekman
Day 3:
Yad Vashem – remembrance of the Holocaust
Gallicantu – Peter denied Jesus
Old City – incl. Holy Sepulcher, Jewish Quarter, Cardo,
Broad Wall
Evening meeting with Pastor Ulf Ekman
Day 4:
Har Adar – memorialplace for fallen soldiers. The tomb of
former Prime Minister Y. Rabin
Lunch and shopping in the Old City
Western Wall – Celebrating the Kabbalat Shabbat
Day 5:
Ein Kerem – where John the Baptist was born and the place
for the Word of Life Centre
Beit Jamal – a Monestary with nuns devoted to prayer
Valley of Ela – where David fought Goliath
Kfar Nokdim – overnight in a modern “Bedouin-camp”
in the Judea desert.
Evening meeting around the campfire!
Day 6:
Massada – a Jewish fortress during the Roman occupation
Dead Sea – a refreshing time of swimming in the salt water!
Tiberias – Capital of Galilee during the time of Jesus
Day 7:
Sea of Galilee – so many miracles happened here!
Boat ride with meeting on board.
Mount of Beatitudes – site of the Sermon on the Mount
Capernaum – the city of Jesus
Tabgha – where Jesus fed 5000 with the loaves and fishe
Baptism in the River Jordan – for those who are not baptized yet
Evening meeting with Pastor Ulf Ekman
Day 8:
Mitzpe Shalom – with view over the Sea of Galilee
Mensa Christi – where the resuracted Jesus ate breakfast with
the disciples.
Farewell Dinner
Day 9:
Nazareth – church of Annunciation
To the Ben Gurion Airport for departure